The Hedgewitches' Garden



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Seasonal Candle Tins:   (Scroll down)

The Seasonal Candles were put together to celebrate the changing seasons throughout the year.  (Please not that I tend to make only for the next couple of seasons so that they are always freshly made - however if you would like something that is out of season please email me

 click here for those unfamiliar with how to use candle tarts.

Maypole Blossom
Lift you spirits, dance and be merry with rose, clove, honeysuckle and  vanilla.

Candle Tin                                                     £7.95 .                                                                      

Back  beltane/may  

Imagine freshly mown grass and brushing your hand lightly across the lavender as you walk through the garden to sit under a rose arbour.  Chamomile, lemon, lavender with a hint of lemon vebena and basil.

Candle Tin                                                     £7.95


Back litha/mid  

Drink in the wonderful aromas of the summer,  evocative of barmy warm summer nights.  Rose, rosemary,  frankincense and a  hint of marigold.

Candle Tin                                                     £7.95


Back lammas/dio  

Image to come

Indian Summer
Capture the essence of the last rays of warmth from the sun, with pine, marigold, rose and hint of Benzoin.

Candle Tin                                                     £7.95

Back  mabon/ind  

Image to come

Oranges & Spice
I....and all things nice!  Images of pumpkins, smokey bonfires and autumn leaves will be conjured up with this melt.  Orange, nutmeg, sage and oakmoss.

Candle Tins                                                    £7.95

Back samhain/app  

Reminiscent of crackling fires, holly, mistletoe and  mulled wine! Celebrate this magical time of year with the aromas of bay, orange, frankincense and cinnamon

Candle Tin                                                     £7.95                           

Back yule 

Despite the wintery temperatures the first signs of spring are emerging!  Catch those hints with esssential oils of Rosemary, Myrrh, Basil and Bay.                                                
Candle Tin                                                     £7.95

Back imbolc/snowdrop 


Image to come


Persephone's Dawn
Spring is finally here!  Open your windows and let the breeze in.   Essential oils of Lavender, Jasmine and  Clary Sage.

Candle Tin                                                     £7.95

Back oestara/perseph 
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